Nova Atlantis è partner dello SME:
Struttura di Missione del Parlamento Europeo
- Presidente nazionale è il Maestro Antonella Barbarossa,
- Vice Presidente è il Prof. Pasquale Ruggiero,
- Segreteraio Generale è il Dott. Cav. Felice Grilletto.
NOTIFICA: Consultazioni pubbliche avviate dalla Commissione europea
La Commissione ha appena avviato una consultazione pubblica relativa a uno dei settori da voi selezionati al momento della registrazione della vostra organizzazione nel Registro per la trasparenza.
La consultazione riguarda:
Agricoltura e sviluppo rurale
Occupazione e affari sociali
Audiovisivi e media
Aiuti umanitari
Mercato interno
Giustizia e diritti fondamentali
Potete contribuire alla consultazione attraverso il sito "La vostra voce in Europa":
Il sito è anche un'utile fonte di informazioni se avete domande riguardo alle consultazioni della Commissione.
Questo messaggio è stato generato automaticamente. Siete pregati di non rispondere.
Per consultare tutte le tabelle di marcia esistenti visitare il seguente sito:
Per ulteriori informazioni consultare il seguente link CERCANDOLI SU GOOGLE:
Blueprint of the EU Customs Union governance reform
Commission Implementing Regulation amending Regulation (EU) No 185/2010 as regards clarification, harmonisation and simplification of certain specific aviation security measures
Commission Implementing Decision amending Commission Decision C(2010) 774 as regards clarification, harmonisation and simplification of aviation security measures
Revision of EASA Regulation 216/2008 (Aviation Package)
Delegated act on the safety features for medicinal products (falsified medicines
Communication on the World Humanitarian Summit
Revision of Regulation (EEC) No. 337/75 of the Council of 10 February 1975 establishing the CEDEFOP
Revision of Regulation (EEC) No. 1365/75 of the Council of 26 May 1975 on the creation of Eurofound
Revision of Regulation (EEC) No. 2062/94 establishing a EU Agency for Safety and Health at work
Export control review
Evaluation of Council Regulation (EC) 953/2003 to avoid trade diversion into the EU of certain key medicines
Council Decision on conclusion and signature of the protocol allowing Ecuador to join the EU-Colombia/Peru Free Trade Agreement
Commission proposal for conclusion, signature and provisional application of the EU-Singapore FTA
Commission proposal for conclusion, signature and provisional application of full EPA Negotiations with the SADC region following EU Member State ratification
Commission proposal for conclusion, signature and provisional application of full EPA Agreement with the East African Community
Commission Implementing Act containing the List of invasive alien species of Union concern
Report-Evaluation and Reform of the Regulatory Framework for electronic communications networks and services-REFIT
Modernisation of the trade pillar of the EU-Mexico Global Agreement
Council Decision on the conclusion and signature of an EU-Iceland Article 19 agreement on further trade liberalisation
Council Decision on the conclusion and signature of an EU-Iceland agreement on protection of geographical indications
Council Decision on the conclusion and signature of an EU-Norway Article 19 agreement on further trade liberalisation
Council Decision on the conclusion and signature of an EU-Morocco agreement on protection of geographical indications
Report on the Environmental Liability Directive, including a REFIT evaluation
Commission Implementing Decision for Financial assistance in the field of Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) – Transport
Commission Implementing Decision amending the 2014-2020 Multi-Annual Work Programme for Financial assistance in the field of Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) – Transport
Proposal for a Council Decision on the signature of an Agreement between the European Union and Norway on recognition and protection of Geographical Indications of agricultural products and foodstuffs
Proposal for a Council Decision on the signature of an Agreement between the European Union and the People's Republic of China on cooperation on, and protection of, geographical indications
Draft 2015 Joint Report in Education and Training (ET 2020)
REFIT Evaluation of the Drinking Water Directive
Conclusion & Signature and provisional application of the EU-Canada CETA
Policy communication "Trade and Investment Strategy for Jobs and Growth"
Recast of Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) Regulation 850/2004
È possibile inviare eventuali osservazioni e domande al segretariato congiunto del Registro per la trasparenza a
Segretariato congiunto del Registro per la trasparenza.