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Nova Atlantis è partner dello SME:
Struttura di Missione del Parlamento Europeo
- Presidente nazionale è il Maestro Antonella Barbarossa,
- Vice Presidente è il Prof. Pasquale Ruggiero,
- Segreteraio Generale è il Dott. Cav. Felice Grilletto.


NOTIFICA: Consultazioni pubbliche avviate dalla Commissione europea


La Commissione ha appena avviato una consultazione pubblica relativa a uno dei settori da voi selezionati al momento della registrazione della vostra organizzazione nel Registro per la trasparenza.


La consultazione riguarda: 

  • Commercio

  • Ambiente

  • Istruzione

  • Cultura

  • Gioventù

  • Tassazione

  • Agricoltura e sviluppo rurale

  • Occupazione e affari sociali

  • Audiovisivi e media

  • Sanità

  • Trasporti

  • Aiuti umanitari

  • Imprese

  • Mercato interno

  • Giustizia e diritti fondamentali

  • Energia


Potete contribuire alla consultazione attraverso il sito "La vostra voce in Europa":

Il sito è anche un'utile fonte di informazioni se avete domande riguardo alle consultazioni della Commissione.

Questo messaggio è stato generato automaticamente. Siete pregati di non rispondere.


Per consultare tutte le tabelle di marcia esistenti visitare il seguente sito:


Per ulteriori informazioni consultare il seguente link CERCANDOLI SU GOOGLE:

  • Blueprint of the EU Customs Union governance reform

  • Commission Implementing Regulation amending Regulation (EU) No 185/2010 as regards clarification, harmonisation and simplification of certain specific aviation security measures

  • Commission Implementing Decision amending Commission Decision C(2010) 774 as regards clarification, harmonisation and simplification of aviation security measures

  • Revision of EASA Regulation 216/2008 (Aviation Package)

  • Delegated act on the safety features for medicinal products (falsified medicines

  • Communication on the World Humanitarian Summit

  • Revision of Regulation (EEC) No. 337/75 of the Council of 10 February 1975 establishing the CEDEFOP

  • Revision of Regulation (EEC) No. 1365/75 of the Council of 26 May 1975 on the creation of Eurofound

  • Revision of Regulation (EEC) No. 2062/94 establishing a EU Agency for Safety and Health at work

  • Export control review

  • Evaluation of Council Regulation (EC) 953/2003 to avoid trade diversion into the EU of certain key medicines

  • Council Decision on conclusion and signature of the protocol allowing Ecuador to join the EU-Colombia/Peru Free Trade Agreement

  • Commission proposal for conclusion, signature and provisional application of the EU-Singapore FTA

  • Commission proposal for conclusion, signature and provisional application of full EPA Negotiations with the SADC region following EU Member State ratification

  • Commission proposal for conclusion, signature and provisional application of full EPA Agreement with the East African Community

  • Commission Implementing Act containing the List of invasive alien species of Union concern

  • Report-Evaluation and Reform of the Regulatory Framework for electronic communications networks and services-REFIT

  • Modernisation of the trade pillar of the EU-Mexico Global Agreement

  • Council Decision on the conclusion and signature of an EU-Iceland Article 19 agreement on further trade liberalisation

  • Council Decision on the conclusion and signature of an EU-Iceland agreement on protection of geographical indications

  • Council Decision on the conclusion and signature of an EU-Norway Article 19 agreement on further trade liberalisation

  • Council Decision on the conclusion and signature of an EU-Morocco agreement on protection of geographical indications

  • Report on the Environmental Liability Directive, including a REFIT evaluation

  • Commission Implementing Decision for Financial assistance in the field of Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) – Transport

  • Commission Implementing Decision amending the 2014-2020 Multi-Annual Work Programme for Financial assistance in the field of Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) – Transport

  • Proposal for a Council Decision on the signature of an Agreement between the European Union and Norway on recognition and protection of Geographical Indications of agricultural products and foodstuffs

  • Proposal for a Council Decision on the signature of an Agreement between the European Union and the People's Republic of China on cooperation on, and protection of, geographical indications

  • Draft 2015 Joint Report in Education and Training (ET 2020)

  • REFIT Evaluation of the Drinking Water Directive

  • Conclusion & Signature and provisional application of the EU-Canada CETA

  • Policy communication "Trade and Investment Strategy for Jobs and Growth"

  • Recast of Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) Regulation 850/2004


È possibile inviare eventuali osservazioni e domande al segretariato congiunto del Registro per la trasparenza a

Segretariato congiunto del Registro per la trasparenza.

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